Heavyweight! Xinda ranks 39th among the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region in 2023, and 17th among them!

Recently, the 2023 Beijing Tianjin Hebei Industrial Chain Supply Chain Conference was held at the China International Exhibition Center, with the theme of "Investing in the New Era of Win Win Win in Beijing Tianjin Hebei". At the meeting, the 2023 Top 100 Enterprises in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region was released. Hebei Xinda Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. ranked 39th in the 2023 Top 100 Enterprises in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region and 17th in the 2023 Top 100 Manufacturing Enterprises in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

▲ Image from the 2023 Beijing Tianjin Hebei Industrial Chain Supply Chain Conference

Hebei Xinda Group, based on the trend of the times and seizing strategic opportunities, has achieved both stability and progress in a market environment full of uncertainty. The industrial structure has been deeply adjusted, business indicators have been continuously optimized, product technology has been iterated and innovated, performance has remained stable and progressive, and various honors have emerged one after another. It has stood firm in the new historical trend and continuously improved its core competitiveness, Xinda's strong contribution to the sustainable development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei economy.

"Exquisite craftsmanship, excellent quality, thoughtful service, and unlimited innovation" are the quality policies that Xinda firmly adheres to. In recent years, Xinda has optimized and adjusted its product structure and significantly improved its product quality. Its main products include high-quality hot-rolled ribbed steel bars, hot-rolled high-quality strip steel, and hot-rolled high-quality H-beams. Among them, ribbed steel bars are mainly produced using a new alloy nitriding precipitation strengthening process and grain refinement strengthening process; Hot rolled high-quality strip steel includes Q195 and Q235 low-carbon and high welding performance easy to form pipe steel strips, high elongation and clean grade cold rolled hot-dip galvanized steel strips, and high-quality stamping 08AL steel strips; Production of specialized steel profiles for key areas of national economic construction. The HRB400E (threaded steel) product with hot-rolled ribbed steel bars for reinforced concrete has been named "Jinbei High Quality Product".

Xinda always adheres to the goal of "getting close to the market and providing precise services", targeting key projects such as the Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Xiong'an New Area. With excellent product quality, "Xinda Brand" steel is applied to Beijing Daxing International Airport, Xiong'an Station, Xiong'an Business Center, the northern suburban park of Xiong'an New Area, Rongxi Rongdong resettlement housing in Xiong'an New Area, Xiong'an Middle School, Xiongdong A area construction, Xiong'an pipe gallery project, Tianjin Metro, Beijing Metro, etc The construction of key projects such as the Jinxing High Speed Railway, the Comprehensive Experimental Building of Tsinghua University, the Liangxiang Campus of Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhangjiakou University, the Affiliated College of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, and the Tianjin North Ring Elevated Bridge. Listed as a "designated steel bar production enterprise" and "designated municipal buried pipe production enterprise" by Xiong'an New Area, it has become a well-known high-quality supplier and won widespread praise from all sectors of society, providing strong support for the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei.

Connecting mountains and rivers, sharing weal and woe, and jointly safeguarding the blue sky, clear waters, and pure land are the common pursuit and responsibility of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. It is imperative for the steel industry to incorporate the implementation of the "dual carbon" action into its development strategy and key work. Xinda has carried out deep environmental protection governance and transformation throughout the entire production process, all processes, and all aspects, achieving ultra-low emissions throughout the entire process. It has been adjusted by the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hebei Province to be an A-level environmental performance enterprise; Investing in the construction of Tiandao Warehouse Logistics Port, the largest public rail transit project in North China and a national AAAAA level logistics enterprise, with an annual throughput of 35 million tons; More than 190 newly purchased pure electric traction vehicles have been put into use, and hydrogen powered vehicles have been gradually put into use, achieving comprehensive clean transportation; The Xinda Iron and Steel Industrial Park, a national AAA level tourist attraction, is filled with birds singing and flowers, and visitors flocking to it, subverting people's traditional understanding of steel enterprises.

Xinda Construction has 100MW high-temperature and ultra-high pressure, 110MW ultra-high temperature subcritical gas power generation units, steam waste heat power generation units, 330KW photovoltaic power generation systems, etc., with a self generation rate of 75%; The first market-oriented green electricity transaction was successfully completed, offsetting 3443.6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, becoming the first large steel enterprise in China to enter the green electricity market; Having a sewage treatment plant, it is the first in local steel enterprises to achieve full recycling of production and domestic sewage. Awarded the "Benchmark Enterprise for Green Development of Steel" and the "Right to Use Carbon Label Identification", ecological priority and conservation intensive development have stepped onto a new platform, promoting new breakthroughs in the green and low-carbon transformation of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

On the production line, the robotic arms are set after set, shuttling and dancing in an orderly manner; The vast production workshop is almost devoid of workers, and all production is automated... This is a real-life scene of Xinda's production site. Xinda starts with the production automatic control system, gradually breaks through each one, and achieves "brain swapping and overtaking" in the process of accelerating high-quality development. Ganggu Cloud Industrial Internet Platform has become one of the first provincial-level industrial Internet platforms in Hebei Province; The first phase of digital twin has completed the construction of a virtual factory for Hebei Xinda Steel Section Steel Plant; The unmanned continuous casting platform uses two robots to simultaneously replace the long water inlet, achieving the world's first example in the industry.

Focusing on intelligent transformation and digital transformation, Xinda has achieved integrated data management and developed WeTwin digital twin platform, WeFlux IoT platform, WeStore industrial big data platform, WeAI algorithm platform, WePage low code tool, etc., providing strong support for intelligent decision-making; Developing intelligent combustion systems for heating furnaces, optimizing combustion systems for blast furnace hot blast furnaces, and intelligent slag addition systems for slab continuous casting, accelerating the transformation of the development mode, power transformation, and efficiency improvement of the steel industry, and promoting the intelligent development of the steel industry.

Xinda Service follows the national strategy and takes technological innovation as its main focus. It has more than 1800 independent intellectual property rights, including 11 patent layouts for the "continuous rolling and plating" process of hot-rolled H-beam coating with a metal layer and the "sacrificial anode" composite metal layer to protect the steel substrate from corrosion; Hot rolled H-shaped steel surface is sprayed with mineral wax to prevent corrosion during storage and transportation, with a series of 10 patent layouts; There are 8 patent layouts for the comprehensive recovery and utilization of thermal energy in steel joint enterprises. Ranked among the "three new entrants in global steel industry technology competition" and awarded the titles of "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise", "Chinese Steel Industry Patent Innovation Potential Enterprise", and "500 Private Enterprises with R&D Investment".

Xinda focuses on key core technologies, accelerates the research and development of "bottleneck" technology, independently develops automatic water distribution technology based on casting speed, and solves the long-term problem of straightening with liquid core and brittle straightening in continuous casting production; The iron ore blending technology and the ultra fast cooling technology for hot-rolled H-beams have broken foreign technological monopolies, and the overall technology has reached the international advanced level. In addition, we have independently developed high-performance products for safe low-temperature toughness of steel structures in cold regions, technology for removing inclusions in clean steel production, and the application of comprehensive strengthening and longevity technology in ironmaking blast furnaces. We are determined to win the battle against key core technologies and produce new green steel products and boutiques with high technological content and added value.

The top 100 honors are well deserved, anchoring the forefront of aspirations in a century. Hebei Xinda Group will always anchor the grand vision of "serving the country with industry and becoming a century old strong enterprise", adhere to the main direction of digital transformation, green transformation, and high-end upgrading, accelerate industrial cultivation, project construction, innovation driven, green and low-carbon, and activate the internal driving force of enterprise development. Proactively serving the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, taking advantage of the situation, and integrating into the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, we have explored a scientific development path that continuously optimizes the structure, enhances strength, reduces energy consumption, improves the environment, and enhances efficiency in response to the booming situation, transformation and upgrading, and promotes coordinated development. We demonstrate Xinda's responsibility and achievements in the overall coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region!